Energy costs have risen significantly recently, as a result of increased gas prices, and you may have seen your bills go up. We know it can be a worrying time for many people. Visit our webpage on getting help with paying your energy bills to find out more about the financial support you can get.
There are also a number of practical things you can do to help you save money (and reduce your carbon impact):
Take control of your heating. Turning your thermostat down by 1°C can reduce your bills by up to 10%. Keeping your home at a set temperature between 18-21°C will help you stay healthy over the winter
Use the timer for your heating system to ensure the heating is on when you need it. You can set the timer to:
Switch on just before you get up and to go off before you go to bed
Turn off during the day when you’re out and switch on again before you return home.
Ask your energy supplier for a smart meter, so you can track your energy use
Move furniture away from your radiators to allow the warmth to circulate better
Use energy-saving light bulbs such as LEDs, which use around 60% less energy
Turn off lights when you're not using them
Switch off or unplug chargers and appliances, rather than leaving them on standby
Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need
Make sure your washing machine is full before switching it on
Fill up a bowl or sink with hot water, rather than leaving the tap running
Take shorter showers. Spending one minute less will save money and water
Use storage heaters efficiently. Keep the input constant at the amount you need and you can turn the output down to a minimum when you don't need the heating on.
Useful contacts
The Energy Savings Trust is an independent organisation helping people make better energy choices.
Simple Energy Advice has lots of information and guidance on financial support, as well as advice on how to save energy.