Posted on 12 July 2024
One of our priorities at Hyde is helping our customers live in the right home for them – a home that’s safe and comfortable. This may mean supporting them to move to another Hyde home as their needs change. Thanks to Hyde Tenancy Officer, Agnes, we helped transform the lives of two customers.
One of our customers (Jerry*, age 69) had been living in his home in Stockwell with his grandparent and parents all his life.
After his grandparent and parents sadly passed away, Jerry found himself living in the three bedroom house alone, and was finding it increasingly difficult to manage.
On visiting Jerry, Agnes quickly established that Jerry wasn’t coping. There was evidence of hoarding – a lot of it was his parents’ belongings, and he was also suffering from health issues. Agnes referred Jerry to Hyde Foundation, who then worked with social services to help support Jerry.
Agnes also tried to rehouse Jerry into sheltered accommodation, but even though Jerry was a priority, Agnes knew that the waiting lists were long.
In the meantime, Agnes heard about another of our customers - Kayla*. Kayla had three children and was pregnant with her fourth child. Kayla was living in a one bedroom flat, close by.
Agnes quickly realised that she had the perfect solution – she connected both parties and thanks to a Hyde Tenancy Adviser, a mutual exchange took place.
Mutual exchange is when two or more tenants exchange (or swap) their homes. The Hyde team worked quickly – the mutual exchange started at the end of March and by June it had taken place.
Kayla is now in her new home and is incredibly grateful for the space – particularly as she gave birth the week of the exchange.
Agnes said: “This is a great example of how by everybody working together, we got the best outcome for our customers and changed their lives. Our customers exchanged homes in the same area – less than a 10 minute walk away from each other. In fact, Jerry is even closer to the shops now – which he is really happy about.
“We’re continuing to work with Jerry to ensure he has everything he needs. This includes working with social services to see if they can provide everything from a care package to furniture to ensure he is able to manage in his new home.”
Find out more about mutual exchange.
*names have been changed