Customer Involvement

What is customer involvement

Our Customer Involvement service offers you different opportunities to influence and improve how we provide our housing services.

Whether you complete a survey, take part in one of our service improvement groups, or join our resident board, your feedback can help us to be a better landlord. By working with you, together we can make sure we provide homes and communities that we’re all proud of.

Get involved

Our offer to customers

  • We’ll offer different opportunities for you to engage with us, so you can do as little or as much as you want
  • We’ll listen to your views and ideas, and act on them wherever we can
  • We’ll share your feedback with our colleagues, our resident board members and senior management
  • We’ll tell you how we’ve used resident feedback to improve – on our website and through our involving you bulletins
  • We’ll provide support to our resident volunteers, and adapt the way we do things to suit your needs