Posted on 23 June 2023
We were proud to take part in the 75th anniversary of Windrush on 22 June 2023
Hyde staff took part in the Walk of Witness, from Waterloo Station to Southwark Cathedral, where they were joined by Hyde Chair Mike Kirk and CEO Andy Hulme for a remembrance service.
Windrush 75 – Remembering the struggle, celebrated the contribution that’s been made by those who came to Britain to help rebuild the country following the Second World War. There was worship, music, reflections, readings and prayers.
Mike said: “The Windrush generation faced significant and very open discrimination and challenges in terms of housing and jobs. They have made the UK a richer and more vibrant place to live, and have positively impacted every part of our society.
“While I think a lot of progress has been made since then, there’s still a huge amount to do; each and everyone of us is responsible for playing our part and delivering real change for Hyde colleagues and all our customers.”
It was significant the Walk of Witness began at Waterloo Station, through which thousands of Caribbean people passed as they started their lives in Britain.
Organised by the Windrush 75 Committee, seventy-five people made the journey to Southwark Cathedral, including senior church leaders, the NHS, Transport for London, the National Black Police Association, the Christian Police Association and London Fire Brigade.
St Mauritius House residents join Lewisham celebrations
St. Mauritius House residents also took part in Windrush celebrations at the Hillview Community Centre in Lewisham on 22 June, which was supported by the London Borough of Lewisham and Goldsmiths, University of London. The residents are holding their own Windrush celebrations on 29 June.
Events such as these are important to Hyde, not only for promoting awareness but also for encouraging diversity and inclusion.