You may receive Section 20 notices from our Home Ownership Team from time-to time. This page includes information on what a Section 20 is, the different types of notices, upcoming consultations and how to make observations on our proposals via our online observations form.
What is a Section 20 notice?
We’re legally obliged to issue a Section 20 (S20) notice to let you know about certain proposed major works or services planned at your building or estate. However, the S20s are also your chance to give us your opinion on these plans.
The S20 notice will explain what work is planned, why it’s being carried out and the anticipated costs. You then send us your ‘observations’ in writing.
There are different types of Section 20 notices, depending on cost, and whether we have existing contractors (see below).
Major works or services?
Major works are essential repairs, decoration, improvements or refurbishments. They don’t include things like internal decoration of a flat or house, which are the responsibility of individual customers.
We must go through a S20 consultation when the cost is more than £250 per home.
Services refers to ongoing work, like cleaning and grounds maintenance, or regular servicing of equipment, (maybe a lift, or a communal fire alarm).
What is a qualifying long-term contracts?
We carry out the S20 process to obtain qualifying long-term contracts, sometimes known as framework contracts. These are long term contracts with multiple pre-selected suppliers. This helps speed up works that need doing. For example, if we have an existing contract for reactive repairs, it speeds up the process for each repair. These also apply to major works.
When we order work through those pre-selected suppliers, we carry out the S20 process again to ensure you have a chance to feedback. Sometimes the large qualifying long-term contract will cover many areas. This is referred to as “Lots”. For example, on the S20 letter you receive, it will say the suppliers will cover several lots. E.g:
- Lot 1A: Fire doors – Supply & install
- Lot 1B: Fire doors – Supply only
- Lot 1C: Fire door inspections
What do Section 20 notices have to do with my service charge?
We sign contracts with external providers for major works or services. Each one is passed through the Section 20 process as well as other feedback methods. A lot of work gets carried out through these contracts, some of which is re-chargeable to our residents. In this case, the cost of the work will appear as a service charge line. Every line on your service charge statement, will have been through the Section 20 process.
Often these contracts last for years, which is why S20s are such a good opportunity to have your say. These items may appear on your service charge statement for years to come.
Different types of S20 notices
There are different types of S20 notices depending on the works. Whatever the type, all you need to do is read that particular notice, and make any observations back to us. All the important information will be on the front cover page.
Click the type of Section 20 to find out more. Further information can be found on The Leasehold Advisory Service website.