Posted on 24 February 2023
Planning approval has been granted for the final 270 homes at Spring Acres in Sittingbourne, Kent, Chartway Partnerships Group and the Hyde Group are delighted to announce.
Approval was granted at a recent meeting of Swale Borough Council planning committee.
The homes are for sale, shared ownership and affordable rent, and are a mix of one- two- three- and four-bedroom homes and are due to be completed in 2027.
Designed and constructed by Chartway on behalf of Hyde, Spring Acres includes 580 new homes, the creation of a 15-hectare country park, shops and a new sports court and drop off facility at the adjoining Landsdowne Primary School. The new country park will be managed by Swale Borough Council.
Steven Morrice, Development and Sales Director, Hyde said: “I’m delighted we’ve received planning consent for the final phase of Spring Acres. It’s wonderful to see this new neighbourhood grow and, through our partnership with Chartway, provide even more, highly energy efficient, affordable homes in Sittingbourne.”
Julian Moat, Planning Director, Chartway, commented: “We are really pleased to have secured the final remaining phase of reserved matters planning consent for this multi-tenure development. Working in partnership with Hyde, we can continue the successful delivery of much needed new high-quality homes, set in attractive public spaces at Spring Acres. Creating much needed new green space is part of the Chartway vision to deliver placemaking that meets the needs of new and growing communities.”
Steven Cresswell, Group CEO, Chartway said: “Our partnership with Hyde is an important and well-established relationship for the Group. I am delighted at the planning result which will see the delivery of 270 new homes for the local community.
“The Chartway vision is to develop new homes for everyone across all tenure types. We have ambitious growth and expansion plans for 2023/24 and Stones Farm is an exemplar development to showcase how we support our Housing Associations partners to provide new affordable homes.”