Posted on 07 March 2024
Each year Hyde provides a unique development opportunity for talented younger colleagues (under 35) from departments across the organisation to form a Junior Board and to address three business challenges.
On Friday 18 January, Junior Board 2023 presented the outcomes of their final project to members of the Hyde Leadership Team (HLT).
The project was to understand the stereotypes and stigmas about those who live in social housing and suggest practical and deliverable actions to HLT.
The Junior Board presented their findings from the research and discussion groups they held with staff who volunteered to listen to their opinions and experience, combined with existing research from across the housing sector. From this they introduced their recommendations to HLT to help raise awareness and create opportunities for a more positive narrative across the business.
Ciara, Social Value Officer and a member of this year's Junior Board, explained “The session we had with HLT was a great opportunity to reflect on our final project and demonstrate the progress we've made. It also allowed us to have a further discussion on how some of the recommendations we suggested could be introduced in the future which was good to hear.”
Megan, Digital Marketing Undergraduate Apprentice and a member of this year's Junior Board, said "Overall this was a great opportunity as I learnt invaluable skills from others on the board as well as helping me grow in confidence and improve my ability to network with other people across the business".
We're now looking forward to what the Junior Board of 2024 will bring to the business through the projects they are tasked with.