Posted on 28 July 2023
The Government have introduced new measures to assess satisfaction across all housing associations and we’re starting to contact customers to meet this requirement. We’ve always sought feedback from our customers, the difference now is that all housing associations will be asking similar questions, to measure how we’re doing against each other.
This year, you may be contacted by our independent research partner, In-house Research, and asked to complete a telephone survey to give your views about our services.
Every landlord must complete the new survey by March 2024. We’re required to ask a sample group of our customers how they feel about the services they receive and the way they’re treated.
Other measures reflect on the quality of information about repairs, complaints, anti-social behaviour and building safety checks.
The Regulator wants Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to be a tool for residents to use to compare landlords' performance and to hold their landlord to account. Every social landlord must ask its rented tenants and shared ownership customers similar questions. Results will be published by the Regulator in the spring next year. We’ll also be sharing the results ourselves.
We welcome this new approach and share the Regulator's aims of improving homes and services, with greater transparency. If you’re asked and are able to complete the survey, thank you for your feedback.
If you’re looking to provide some feedback through a different means, you can do so by contacting us online, or through MyAccount.