EWS1 forms

Search here for the External Wall Systems (EWS1) form relating to your building

We’re making all of the EWS1 forms we hold available to customers, so they can be downloaded and shared with lenders, valuers and potential buyers. Where we have covering letters for the EWS1 form (some cover more than one EWS1 form), we’ve included them too.

We’ll be adding more forms as assessments are completed by qualified assessors either on our behalf or on behalf of managing agents and freeholders (for buildings we don’t own, but where we’re the head lessee).

For more information about external wall surveys, EWS1 forms and answers to customers’ frequently asked questions, please visit our External Wall Systems page.

Hyde’s position on EWS1 forms

  • The EWS1 form doesn’t replace the fire risk assessment (FRA) for a building. If you need the FRA for your building, then please email us at [email protected].
  • We’ll only be providing EWS1 forms where the RICS guidance indicates that one is required. We're not legally-obliged to provide EWS1 forms, this is lender requirement.
  • We’re not legally-obliged to provide EWS1 forms, regardless of building height – this is a lender requirement.
  • We’ll only arrange EWS1 assessments through registered professionals who have the correct insurances and who are accredited or qualified members of relevant organisations, according to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
  • We may have to carry out further investigations, and remedial works, if the building is given a B2 rating.
  • We’re bound by Charity Commission rules and laws governing how charitable funds can be spent. As EWS1 forms aren’t a legal requirement, we may have to pass on the cost of carrying them out to homeowners, if we can’t recover the costs from other parties, such as the original developers. However, we’re doing everything we can to avoid this.


EWS1 assessments are carried out by independent assessors and the Hyde Group has no discretion over their ratings or opinions.

We seek to use reasonable endeavours to carry out membership and other checks, to satisfy ourselves that assessors are legitimate construction professionals appropriately and, where applicable, accredited or qualified as members of relevant organisations, in accordance with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors’ EWS1 guidance, however we do not warrant their status or competence, and no reliance should be placed thereon.

We can’t warrant to any party that by virtue of a EWS1 form being issued for a particular building, a lender will approve a mortgage or other application for borrowing.