Posted on 05 December 2022
As part of our 16 Days of Action, find out more about our Safe Partnership Sanctuary scheme.
One of the important tools we have available to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse is our Safe Partnership scheme, which is funded by Hyde Foundation. The scheme allows us to make referrals for security/sanctuary works, where the Safe Partnership attends our customer’s home and carries out a home security check. They then fit and install additional security measures.
The scheme provides practical support and reassurance to our customers by improving security to their home at a time when they feel vulnerable and unsafe.
Hyde Tenancy Officer, Allison (Alli) Morris, has made a number of referrals recently where the scheme has made a real difference:
Zaara’s abusive ex-partner kept breaching bail conditions and turning up at her home.
Alli made a referral for a security check and Zaara expressed her gratitude saying: “Thank you so much for arranging this security check, Allison. I really appreciate your help and support. I love my home and do not want to feel forced out of it. At least having my doors and windows checked will give me some piece of mind.”
Karena had recently separated from her abusive ex-partner and was experiencing ongoing stalking and harassment from him. He kept turning up unannounced, attempting to gain entry to her home. Karena wanted to stay at her home as she had support from her family locally. So, Alli arranged a home security check through this scheme to ensure Karena felt safe to stay.
Anna explained that she was worried that her abusive ex-partner would try to turn up for her young son’s birthday. She was fearful that he would try to gain entry to see his son. Anna was receiving support from a specialist domestic abuse service and had neighbours who supported her, so didn’t want to move.
Alli discussed the Safe Partnership Sanctuary scheme with her, and offered to arrange the home security check. Anna was so grateful and told Alli: “It’s such a relief to have this check carried out.”
Ruth had been deemed high risk at a MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) and had been accepted onto our priority moves list to move away from the area. However, she still felt unsafe in her home. In the past, the perpetrator had accessed her home through windows and Ruth had woken to find him sitting on her bed. Alli made the referral and the Safe Partnership attended Ruth’s home.
As well as checking all the doors and windows, they fitted a double locking night latch to the front door, changed the locks to be more secure, added a door chain and fitted window shock alarms throughout the flat.
Ruth’s IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) fed back: "Thank you so much for arranging someone to check the safety and security of the property. I’m extremely grateful for your help with this as the ex-partner has broken in several times, accessing through the bedroom window."
*names have been changed to protect our customers’ identities
Find more information and resources on domestic abuse.
If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic abuse you can access help and support from the National Domestic Violence Helpline, Women’s Aid and Refuge on 0808 2000 247.
If you or others are in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.