Lost keys
If you’ve lost the keys or fob to your front or back door, then you are responsible for replacing them – it isn’t an emergency.
Stolen keys
If your front or back door keys or fob have been stolen, it’s an emergency. Please call us on 0800 3 282 282. You can contact us on this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You must also report this to the police, and they’ll give you a crime reference number.
The front or back door glass has been smashed
Smashed or broken glass on a front or back door is an emergency. Please call us on 0800 3 282 282. You can contact us on this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What to expect
We’ll board up the door to make it safe and secure. We won’t replace the glass unless it was broken as a result of a criminal act. If it was a criminal act, you must report it to the police, and they’ll give you a crime reference number.
You can’t get in and out of your home safely
If you can’t get in or out of your home safely, then it’s an emergency. Please call us on 0800 3 282 282. You can contact us on this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The front or back door can’t be locked
This is an emergency please call us on 0800 3 282 282. You can contact us on this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Help us fix it faster
When reporting a door repair, it is always helpful to tell us what the frame is made of, for example, wood or UPVC. If you're reporting stolen keys then please let us know if it's a key or fob operated system.