Our policies guide us in delivering services to our customers. Our key customer policies are listed here.
Aids and adaptations
Aids and adaptations are alterations to make your home easier to live in, so you or a member of your family can enjoy more independence. Find out more information about our aids and adaptions service.
Allocations and lettings
This policy sets out how we allocate homes fairly and transparently, as well as the eligibility and affordability criteria that apply to all tenants and applicants, including those nominated by local authorities.
Allocations and lettings policy statement (PDF, 142KB)
Allocations and lettings policy guidance (PDF, 298KB)
Next review date: October 2027
This policy explains our role in helping to tackle antisocial behaviour, harassment and hate crime.
ASB policy statement (PDF, 168KB)
Next review date: November 2025
Contractors Code of Conduct & Health and Safety
We expect our contractors, subcontractors and their operatives to follow the highest standards and use best practice when carrying out work on our residents’ homes. Find out more information about our Contractors’ Code of Conduct.
Next review date: September 2026
Complaints and compensation
This policy sets out our approach to the complaint process, including what is considered a complaint, how to make a complaint and how we resolve complaints.
Complaints policy statement (PDF, 254KB)
Next review date: June 2027
Customer Involvement
You can have your say about the services that we provide and get involved to help us improve them. There are lots of ways you can get involved and make a difference – read more on our Customer Involvement pages.
Damp and mould
We take the issue of damp and mould extremely seriously and investigate every report thoroughly. We don't blame customers for damp and mould appearing. Our focus is on working with you to resolve the issues. Find out more on our damp and mould pages.
Domestic abuse
This policy explains our role in helping to tackle and prevent domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse policy statement (PDF, 272 KB)
Next review date: December 2027
Hate crime
This policy explains our role in helping to tackle and prevent hate crime.
Hate crime policy statement (PDF, 207KB)
Next review date: May 2025
Home Ownership
This policy sets out our approach to managing leasehold, shared ownership and freehold properties.
Home ownership policy statement (PDF, 142KB)
Next review date: December 2026
The policy sets out our approach to income collection, including rents, service charges, sundry debts and other fees and charges.
Income policy statement (PDF, 195KB)
Next review date: January 2026
Neighbourhood management
This policy sets out our approach to managing our estates and communal areas within our neighbourhoods.
Neighbourhood management policy statement (PDF, 181KB)
Next review date: September 2027
Customers are responsible for any damage caused accidentally, deliberately or because of neglect by you or other members of your household, including visitors, pets or contractors hired by you. Find out more about customer recharges.
The policy sets out our approach to providing our residents with an efficient, prompt and customer-focused repairs service.
Repairs policy statement (PDF, 143KB)
Next review date: March 2027
Responsive repairs
You can find out more about our day-to-day responsive repairs service.
This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding adults and children. We are committed to working with statutory agencies to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents, customers and staff.
Safeguarding adults and children policy statement (PDF, 312KB)
Next review date: January 2025
Service charges
This policy sets out our approach to managing service charges for customers including tenants and homeowners for properties we own or manage.
Service charge policy statement (PDF, 172KB)
Next review date: June 2028
Service charge enquiries
This policy sets out our approach to investigating and resolving service charge enquiries from customers.
Service charge enquiry policy statement (PDF, 226KB)
Next review date: June 2027
Tenancy (Tenure)
This policy sets out the range of tenancies we offer. It applies to all our rented accommodation, including social and affordable rent, intermediate and market rent, retirement, supported and temporary housing. It doesn’t apply to shared ownership and leasehold properties or properties for outright sale.
Tenure policy statement (PDF, 224KB)
Next review date: January 2028
Tenancy management
This policy sets out how we will manage the enforcement of our tenancy terms and conditions.
Tenancy management policy statement (PDF, 212KB)
Next review date: January 2028
Video doorbells
This policy provides guidance on our approach to dealing with residents’ use of video doorbell devices.
Video doorbell guidance (PDF, 237KB)
Next review date: March 2026
This policy sets out our approach to helping vulnerable residents access the services they need.
Vulnerability policy statement (PDF, 277KB)
Next review date: February 2027