Hyde Quality Standard FAQs
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- Hyde Quality Standard FAQs
How long will work take?
Installation normally takes between five and ten working days, although it can take longer if additional work is needed or if there are unforeseen delays. Full access to your property will be required during normal working hours.
Find out more about what happens when we install a new kitchen in your home.
Find out more about what happens when we install in a new bathroom in your home. -
Will I have to be at home during installation?
Installation can be carried out without you being present, but we will require another responsible person of your choosing to be present, if you are not available.
You are free to be at home while work is carried out but note Hyde does not offer payments to cover loss of earnings. Please advise us if your work commitments will prevent installation and we will postpone work until a more suitable date and time can be agreed.
Please also note that we will not be able to carry out work in a property where minors are not being supervised by a parent/guardian or other responsible adult.
Can any of the existing fixtures and fittings be left in the new kitchen or bathroom?
We will consider leaving some items in place but will ask you to sign a disclaimer confirming your acceptance for their on-going maintenance and replacement. We strongly recommend replacing flooring but, if we agree that it will stay, then you will have to sign a disclaimer acknowledging full responsibility for any trips or falls occurring as a direct result of it remaining in place and for future repair and replacement.
Please ensure you have contents insurance to protect any electrical goods you own before work begins. Claims for replacements will not be accepted by Hyde or its representatives.
What about aids and adaptations?
We will replace aids and adaptations when we install your new kitchen or bathroom. We will also consider new requests for aids and adaptations. Speak to your Resident Liaison Officer, who will explain the process.
Who is responsible for my new kitchen or bathroom?
Hyde will be responsible for standard fixtures and fittings installed. You will be responsible for the care and cleaning of your new kitchen, together with the maintenance and replacement of any items you have bought through Hyde or supplied yourself.
Why do I need an asbestos survey carried out before the works can start?
Properties built before 2000 may contain asbestos-based materials which left undisturbed do not cause any health issues. However, we have a legal duty to ensure that any materials are identified before improvement works start, even if an asbestos survey has been carried out in your home before.
Can I change my mind?
You have 14 days to change your mind about any items bought through Hyde or those you wish to supply. You are committed to these choices after this time; you may have to pay for further changes and work may be delayed.
When will you not replace my kitchen or bathroom?
Unfortunately, we will not replace a kitchen or bathroom if any of the following apply to your property:
- An asbestos refurbishment survey has not been carried out
- You have not allowed access to the property for an electricity or gas safety check
- You are subject to a Notice of Seeking Possession
- You have a live anti-social behaviour order against you
- You have a current or outstanding Right to Buy or Right to Acquire application in place
- You are part of a regeneration or option appraisal review.
What happens next?
Once you have discussed your choices with the Surveyor during the design survey, you will be given an order form to complete and sign. This should be returned to your Resident Liaison Officer or Surveyor as directed.
After you have paid for any additional items, a Resident Liaison Officer will contact you to discuss and agree an installation date. They will also be available throughout installation work.
Doors and windows
How long will the work take?
In some cases it can take up to 12 weeks to manufacture doors and windows after we place your order. Please note that we may have to apply for planning permission to replace doors and windows – work cannot start until this is granted.
Installation normally takes between one and two days, depending on the size of the property, although it can take longer if additional work is needed or if there are unforeseen delays.
Will I have to be at home during the installation?
Access to your property will be required throughout the work, during normal working hours. Installation can only be carried out when you, or a responsible adult, are at home. Note Hyde does not offer payments to cover loss of earnings. Please advise us if your work commitments will prevent installation and we will postpone work until a more suitable date and time (during normal working hours) can be agreed.
Please also note that we will not be able to carry out work in a property where minors are not being supervised by a parent/guardian or other responsible adult.
Can I choose the design of my new doors and windows?
You can choose the door design and colour (subject to planning permission), unless the survey reveals you need a fire door; in those cases you will be offered alternative choices. Unfortunately we do not offer a choice of window frame design.
Who is responsible for my doors and windows?
New doors and windows come with a 10 year warranty; handles, locks, letterboxes and cat flaps have a five year warranty. Hyde is responsible for maintenance but you are responsible for their care and cleaning.
Why do I need an asbestos survey carried out before the works can start?
Properties built before 2000 may contain asbestos-based materials which left undisturbed do not cause any health issues. However, we have a legal duty to ensure that any materials are identified before improvement works start, even if an asbestos survey has been carried out in your home before.
Can I change my mind?
You are committed to your no cost choices, once you sign for them. Changes to items bought through Hyde can be made up to 14 days after receipt of the invoice. Changes requested after 14 days may result in delays and you may have to pay for these, or we will install our ‘default options’.
When will you not replace my doors and windows?
Unfortunately, we will not replace doors or windows if, when we are ready to carry out the design survey, any of the following circumstances apply:
- The survey shows your windows and/or doors do not need to be replaced
- An asbestos refurbishment survey has not been carried out
- You have a current or outstanding Right to Buy or Right to Acquire application in place and you live in a house (rather than a flat or maisonette).
What happens next?
We will inform you of the date and time that our supplier Anglian will carry out a survey of your home. Please contact Anglian if this appointment is inconvenient (contact details will be given).
Please make your choices before the survey to prevent any unnecessary delays. Complete and sign the order form and hand it to the Surveyor when they visit. If you would like some help completing the form, please contact Anglian.
After you have paid Hyde for any additional items and your doors and/or windows have been manufactured, Anglian will contact you to discuss and agree an installation date.
What is a FENSA certificate and how do I get a copy?
The FENSA certificate is evidence that the installation meets Building Regulations.
Homeowners can obtain a copy by contacting Hyde.