Packington residents 8 May

Your heating and hot water should now be restored.

If anybody is experiencing issues, engineers are still onsite. Call us on 0800 3 282 282.


Energy prices are at an all-time high. Several factors are contributing to the rise in the cost of living, and most people across the UK are worried about how they’re going to afford an increase to their bills. It’s important to know, that there is help out there. There are also many simple practical ways you can reduce energy use in your home, and lower your bills.

  • Turn off at the plug : save £55* Switch off electrical devices at the plug when you’re not using them, rather than leaving them on standby
  • Don’t overfill the kettle: save £45* Only boil as much water as you need. The more water in the kettle, the more electricity used
  • Always turn off the lights when you leave a room. This can also help your bulbs last longer
  • If you can afford to, use energy-saving lightbulbs. They last up to 10 times longer than ordinary bulbs and using one can save you around £55 over the lifetime of the bulb
  • Washing your clothes at a lower temperature uses less electricity. Washing at 30ºC rather than 40ºC could save you a third of the cost
  • Turn your thermostat down. Reducing your room temperature by 1°C could cut your heating bills by up to 10%. 18-21°C is comfortable for most people
  • Fill up the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher: one full load uses less energy than two half loads 
  • Spend less time in the shower. Spending one minute less in the shower each day will save a typical household an estimated £45*, as well as saving on water costs
  • To prevent draughts: keep internal doors closed, use draught excluders at the bottom of doors, and shut curtains or blinds at night. Bathrooms and kitchens should be ventilated when being used
  • On a sunny day, opening your curtains will let warmth into your house, but when it’s colder or the sun goes down don’t forget to close them to keep that heat in
  • Understand how your heating and hot water system works. Your home may have a thermostat and programmer controls. Make sure you know how to use them to run the system in the most energy-efficient way

For even more tips, download our energy savings booklet.