Packington - building safety - phases 3 and 4

News updates for phases 3 & 4 of the remedial work project at Packington Estate

We’ll be posting the latest news for phases 3 & 4 here, so please bookmark this page to stay up-to-date on the work we’re doing to keep everyone safe.

Latest update – 18 July 2024

Resident project meeting

Thank you everyone who joined our final project meeting. 

Progress summary

Phase 4

As the work on phase 4 has now come to an end, we’re looking into concerns raised about the render finish and will give you an update as soon as we can.

Phase 3

  • Brickwork is complete
  • Decking replacement is complete
  • Zinck work is nearing completion
  • Scaffold strike is ongoing

We expect work across phase 3 to finish by the end of Summer 2024.

The EWS1 form will be issued 4 - 6 weeks after the work is completed on each block.

EWS1 Certificate

The EWS1 certificate for phase 4 has been emailed to all residents whose email addresses we have on our system.

If you haven’t received it, please email us at [email protected].

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that you don’t smoke or have naked flames, flammable materials, or barbecue on your balconies while our remediation works are going on.

If you smoke, make sure you stub cigarettes out and don’t flick them off your balcony.

While we work on the scaffold, we kindly ask that you don’t use your balcony to avoid any risks. Please note that unauthorised persons are not to access the scaffold at any time.

Project summary

Render (EWI) – we’re inserting vertical and/or horizontal fire barriers and over-render with a new topcoat to all areas.

Zinc Cladding – we’re installing a horizontal barrier to the ‘shadow gap’ and a new perimeter barrier to the base to balconies and private terraces and a vertical barrier to the window reveal. Ventilation sleeves are also being renewed.

Spandrel Panels between windows will have the fire break behind the panel updated.

Balcony decking on balconies that interacts with the zinc cladding are being replaced with a non-combustible aluminium decking.

Get in touch

If you have any questions relating to these two phases, please email us at [email protected].