Packington - building safety - phase 2

News updates for phase 2 of the remedial work project at Packington Estate

We’ll be posting the latest news for phase 2 here, so please bookmark this page to stay up-to-date on the work we’re doing to keep everyone safe.

Latest update – 18 July 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined our final project meeting.

We have almost reached the end of our project and expect all work to be completed by the end of July, with a full site decant and EWS1 issued 4 to 6 weeks after.

Progress summary

  • Render is nearing completion
  • Zinc work is also nearing completion
  • Scaffold strike is ongoing

Health and Safety

Please don’t pull the Monarflex around the building down or cut holes in it.

This can present safety risks and could result in accidents and falling materials.

Only authorised staff are allowed to make changes to the scaffold and material. Unauthorised persons are not allowed to access or interfere with the scaffold at any time.

If you’d like to request modifications to the Monarflex, please email Rydon’s Resident Liaison Officer (RLO), Michelle Becouarn at [email protected].

Project summary

Render (EWI) – we’re inserting vertical and/or horizontal fire barriers and over-render with a new topcoat to all areas.

Zinc Cladding – we’re installing a horizontal barrier to the ‘shadow gap’ and a new perimeter barrier to the base to balconies and private terraces and a vertical barrier to the window reveal. Ventilation sleeves are also being renewed.

Spandrel Panels between windows will have the fire break behind the panel updated.

Balcony decking on balconies that interacts with the zinc cladding are being replaced with a non-combustible aluminium decking.

Get in touch

If you have any questions relating to this, please email us at [email protected].