Bins and bulk waste is a provision included for the removal of bulk items and dealing with fly-tipping. We pay for external contractors to do this, as it is not the responsibility of the local authority. These tend to be large ‘dumped’ items, and not just the regular collection of rubbish.
Why have I got a charge for bulk refuse collection?
The local authority is not responsible for clearing bulk or dumped rubbish from our privately owned buildings or estates. We hire external contractors who are on hand to deal with this for us. We have a duty to keep the areas where you live clean and clear of large fly tipped items like old sofas. Like other cleaning services, these are charged to the customers.
Why have you charged for emptying the bins? Doesn’t the council do this?
The council will empty bins, but we are responsible for removing bulk items that are often left in bin stores or in communal areas.
This charge can also include bin hire where we need to, the actual cleaning of the bins (as opposed to emptying them), and the removal of bulk items of waste from bin stores or communal areas.
Have another query about your service charges? Find out more information on our FAQs about service charges.