Who are Customer Voice?
Customer Voice is a group of Hyde customer volunteers. The group is our customer Board.
What do they do?
Customer Voice work in partnership with Hyde’s senior managers. They are asked about, and provide suggestions for, new and changing services. They look closely at Hyde’s performance and find ways for services to be improved for everyone. They listen to feedback from the wider resident community. If they see an issue, they ask questions and challenge Hyde for all residents. Some members of Customer Voice are also Hyde Board members.
Why not observe a meeting?
If you’re a Hyde resident and would like to learn more, you can join a meeting to see for yourself what the group does.
Meetings are often held at our head office in London Bridge, London, but members can also join online via Zoom if they prefer. For more information about Customer Voice, please email [email protected].
Customer Voice needs new members!
If you might be interested in joining, please complete the Customer Voice application form and a member of the team will be in touch with you soon.
A summary from their last meeting on 20 February 2024
Customer Voice (CV) were joined by members of the Resident Scrutiny Panel, Paul Singleton, Strategy and Customer Insight Director, Kate Krokou Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer, Matt Evans Head of Risk and Assurance and Robert Cooper Head of Customer Involvement. Below is a summary of the agenda and discussions.
Resident Scrutiny priorities:
CV heard from the Scrutiny Panel, who have been working the Complaints Team looking at Housing Ombudsman determinations. There was a discussion about how resident scrutiny could work, the roles of CV and the Scrutiny Panel and which services to scrutinise. Key points were:
- Customer Voice and the Scrutiny Panel need to work closely and support each other.
- Hyde’s approach to resident scrutiny needs more work and to be clear for everyone.
- The Scrutiny Panel should look at one of the following service areas next: Damp and Mould, ASB, service accessibility or heating and hot water services.
Customer Involvement Strategy draft:
This set out the proposed Customer Involvement Strategy for 2024-7 based on feedback from residents and staff. Customer Voice have helped design and shape the strategy at previous sessions. Feedback on the draft was positive, CV were happy that it reflects and incorporates existing feedback. Key points were:
- Use of rewards and incentives to support resident involvement was a good inclusion
- Focus on accessibility and varying involvement opportunities was important, including in-person and locally.
- Inclusion of resident participation in Equality Impact Assessments was welcomed and this should be extended to all policy reviews.
- There needs to be a greater emphasis on co-creation when service changes are considered.
Customer Insight digest:
Customer Voice reviewed this summary of resident feedback from involvement activities in the previous 3 months before it was submitted to Group Housing Services Committee. It was agreed this was a useful indication of what residents were saying about services. Key points were:
- The feedback mirrored member experiences in some situation but not all.
- Feedback should be weighted by the number of residents who contributed to the themes highlighted.
Resident stories for Group Board:
The Customer Voice Chair has been asked to present a customer story to help focus board members on customer experience. CV felt this was a positive development. Key feedback was:
- Stories should be presented as a scenario and what it is like to be a customer.
- Should be empathetic and show the customer as a whole and not just in relation to a Hyde service.
Minutes from previous meetings
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 20 February 2024 meeting (PDF, 223KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 6 June 2023 meeting (PDF, 152KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 29 March 2023 meeting (PDF, 140KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 31 January 2023 meeting (PDF, 143KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 3 October 2023 meeting (PDF, 200KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 6 December 2022 meeting (PDF, 142KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 7 June 2022 meeting (PDF, 132KB)
- Minutes of the Customer Voice 29 March 2022 meeting (PDF, 146KB)