Keeping a pet in your rented home

You are permitted to keep a pet in your rented home. We recognise that pets provide a range of benefits to their owners, including providing companionship, offering a means to make contacts and socialise with others and teaching children empathy and responsibility.

However, pet ownership is a privilege, not a right, and carries with it responsibilities and disadvantages. You need to consider whether your lifestyle or home is suitable for your pet and whether it can be housed securely and properly cared for.

If you're a homeowner, please see our guidance for keeping pets for homeowners.

Pets are identified as follows:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Reptiles
  • Birds

You must not keep any livestock or unlicensed or illegal exotic or wild animals in the property (including any garden provided).

You are responsible for ensuring that your pet does not cause a nuisance or damage to your home or shared area.

We will ask you to remove the pet or take legal action to request removal of your pet, if it is found that you are not following our expectations for owning a pet.

  1. Pets must be kept under control at all times
  2. If a dog fouls in a communal area, it should be cleared up immediately and disposed of in the correct manner. If the dog fouls in your own garden, please ensure this is cleared up on at least a daily basis.
  3. Pets must not cause nuisance or disturbance to any other persons or animals.
  4. Commercial breeding from our properties is not permitted
  5. Dogs must wear a collar and tag and be appropriately handled at all times.
  6. Dogs must be kept on leads in all communal/estate areas at all times and must not be allowed in areas designated for children.
  7. If residents go away on holiday, are absent or vacate the property for any substantial period of time, they must make suitable arrangements for pets to be cared for and nominate a carer who will take responsibility for the pets during this absence.
  8. Pets must not cause damage to any Hyde property or the environment. The cost of any damage caused by a pet will be charged to the owner/tenant.
  9. Pets must be kept under control whilst our staff, agents or contractors are visiting the property. Pets must be kept in a separate room where requested by our staff, agents or contractors.
  10. If a dog has access to a garden, you must keep the garden boundaries secure to stop the dog escaping.

Read our top tips for responsible pet owners here.