We feel very lucky to have residents who volunteer their time and energy – giving up their time to work with us in partnership to improve services. Whether this is completing a survey or attending board meetings, resident feedback is invaluable.
Sometimes we ask residents to take part in activities that require them to be out of pocket – for example by travelling into London from Peterborough for a meeting. In these instances we do reimburse residents because we don’t want money to be a barrier to anyone being involved and don’t believe residents should be out of pocket as a result of volunteering for us.
These residents are giving up their time and energy to help us improve services for the benefit of everyone.
We have strict guidelines for expenses which apply to all activities. All claims are checked and adherence to the policy is monitored. Any perceived abuses of the policy will be challenged, investigated and fraudulently claimed money will be recovered.
In order to make a claim for travel expenses, residents must arrange the travel with a member of the Customer Involvement Team before any bookings are made. Contact us for more information about claiming expenses for engagement activities.