Our customers have the opportunity to scrutinise our performance information, and to hold us to account for anything they feel isn’t up to standard. 

What do you mean by scrutinise? 

When we talk about resident scrutiny, we’re talking about: 

  • Providing enough information about our performance, so you can see how well we’re doing 
  • Creating opportunities for you to talk to us about this performance information 
  • Offering activities for you to work with us to suggest ways for us to improve. 

Could you help to scrutinise our performance? 

Our Resident Scrutiny Panel works with us to: 

  • Look at the new performance information on our website 
  • Find any trends that might suggest there’s a problem 
  • Decide what other audits or inspections need to be done 
  • Agree recommendations for changes and improvements. 

The group meets every 3 months when new performance information is shared. Meetings will generally be both online and in-person, you can decide what works best for you. 

Join the Scrutiny Panel