Rochester Riverside Homes

About us | Contact us | Estate management & cleaning | Repairs | Parking | ASB | Pets | Complaints

About Rochester Riverside Homes

Rochester Riverside Homes is a joint venture between Hyde and Countryside, with 1400 homes, a new primary school, an enhanced river walk, public open spaces and commercial units.

Our dedicated Rochester Riverside team is committed to providing all of our customers with a high quality, value for money service and putting our customers first. We want to provide a high quality community and environment for all residents and will always listen to our customers and ensure that we act on feedback to improve the services we provide.

Contact the Rochester Riverside team

Onsite: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Telephone: 01732 526 430

Email: [email protected]

Online: please use this contact form.

Out of hours emergencies: please telephone Countryside on 0345 245 8260.

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Estate management, communal areas and cleaning

We will ensure the estate is maintained to the highest standards including communal areas, green spaces and  play areas, and that any communal repairs are completed promptly.

Our responsibilities

We are responsible for repairs to communal areas, plus cleaning the communal stairways in blocks, the bin and bike stores, the public square and walkways.

How to report an issue with communal areas or cleaning

Please contact us on the details above, or contact us online.

How do I get rid of bulk refuse?

Contact your local council as they often run a free or low-cost collection service for unwanted household items such as fridges, wardrobes and mattresses. Or you can take the items to a local tip if you prefer.

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Repairs to your home

Our responsibilities

Hyde will provide communal repairs for all customers (see Estate Management section above) and internal repairs for our rented customers that fall outside of the defects period.

Countryside will provide repairs for customers within the defects period.

How to report a repair within your home

For repairs within the defects period (as outlined in your lease or tenancy agreement) please contact Countryside.

Telephone: 01277 260 000

Email: [email protected]

Countryside will deal with any emergency repairs within 24 hours, urgent repairs within 3 days and routine repairs within 28 days.

What is an emergency repair?

Emergency repairs are any repairs that put the health, safety or security of residents or anyone else at immediate risk and could cause significant damage to your home. Where there is an immediate danger, we would attend within 24 hours to make safe.

Emergency repairs should be reported directly to Countryside on 01277 260 000

For all non-emergency repairs we will arrange a mutually convenient appointment to be completed within 28 days.

For communal repairs in our private owned or shared ownership blocks outside of the defects period, customers will need to contact the Rochester Riverside team, who will raise the repairs to Hyde’s approved contractors and monitor progress.

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Residents must comply with parking rules as set out in their lease agreement. Any customers who require a permit will need to contact the parking provider to obtain and pay for permits.

PCM  manages the car parks that are not part of the controlled parking zone enforced by Medway Council. Residents with allocated numbered bays will be issued a parking permit when they move in. That permit must be displayed in any vehicle using their space or the car will be liable to a parking fine. 

Permits for the controlled parking areas can be obtained directly from Medway Council.

PCM can be contacted by telephone 01753 512 603 or via email on [email protected].

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Dealing with antisocial behaviour (ASB)

We have a specialist ASB service and an excellent online toolkit that residents can use. We will work closely with the local community safety partnership, and enforcement action will be taken for any breach of lease agreement. Find out more about ASB and how to report it.

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Keeping pets in the home

Can I keep pets?

You will need to check your tenancy agreement/lease agreement to identify whether you are permitted to keep a pet in your home eg dogs, cats, reptiles or birds. 

Reporting dangerous or nuisance pets

If you want to report an issue with a dangerous or nuisance dog or other animal then please visit our antisocial behaviour pages to find out more.

If you do keep a pet you must act responsibly and not cause any nuisance within the local community. Any customer experiencing issues with animals should report their issues to the dedicated Rochester Riverside staff or to the local authority.

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General enquiries

You can contact our dedicated Rochester Riverside staff.


We aim to deliver the highest standards of customer service, but should we fail to meet these standards you can make a complaint to our Rochester Riverside staff.  All complaints will be managed by Rochester Riverside staff and managed in line within Hyde’s complaints policy. All complaints will be responded to within 10 days, and our complaints service is regulated and monitored by the Housing Ombudsman.

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