Introduction | 1960s| 1970s| 1980s | 1990s| 2017 | 2020s
2000: continuing this trend, in January 2000, after a nine month selection process, Islington Council chose Hyde to manage 6,500 properties in two neighbourhoods, including the Ring Cross, Market (later renamed to Hyde Village) and Packington estates. The result: Hyde Northside, in Islington was set up.
The Government adopted a ‘Public Service Agreement’ to bring all social housing, across the country, which included council and housing association owned properties up to a decent standard by 2010. This meant carrying out general repairs, updating kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors and ensuring adequate heating and hot water. This led to a period where local authorities, which did not have the cash flow to undertake this work, entered into negotiations with housing associations to take over or manage their stock.
Chichester Diocesan Housing Association (CDHA) joined Hyde, bringing 3,600 homes in the Sussex and Surrey areas. CDHA fully merged with Hyde in 2007.
2002: on 10 October 2002, InPlace (now Hyde New Homes) was created; a new team to assist first time buyers into affordable home ownership.
2003: Hyde’s success in contract-managing local authority stock led to further contracts. It signed the first ever housing Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract in the UK, to manage homes on behalf of Islington Council through Partners for Improvement.
After the success of the first three years, a second contract followed in 2006, bringing the total number of homes under our management to over 6,000.
Construction started at Bermondsey Spa, Southwark, to completely transform an area in decline. Into a highly desirable place to live, with a 1,000 new homes. Testament to the project’s success is the fact that there are more than 15,000 residents living in this vibrant community enjoying an eclectic mix of restaurants, shops and busy weekend markets.
2004: Hyde created Hillside Housing Trust to complete the comprehensive regeneration of a 1970s former Brent Council housing estate, the Stonebridge Estate. Once complete, the scheme will provide a total of 1,850 homes: 1,100 social rent, 100 shared ownership and 650 for sale.
In the same year, the estate’s residents voted in favour of moving to Hyde as their landlord.
2005: a further 850 homes, in the Oval area of Lambeth, transferred to Hyde Southbank Homes (see 1999), bringing the total investment in the local area up to £100m – improving homes, the environment and people’s quality of life.
in touch was created to manage all of our supported housing, looking after 3,500 homes in south London and the home counties. This dedicated subsidiary helped people to continue living independently in their own homes by adapting them to make them more suitable, particularly for elderly residents, or those with a disability. in touch also offered care and support services, working with partner organisations to deliver them. in touch transferred to Family Mosaic in 2011.
And in Islington, Hyde continued to transform neighbourhoods, as Ring Cross, the Grove and Surco estates voted to transfer to Hyde as part of a stock transfer.
2006: this proved to be a big year for Hyde
The residents of the Packington estate in Islington voted overwhelmingly to transfer to Hyde from Islington Council.
Today, the estate is seen as a shining example of estate regeneration with its tenure-blind apartments, a focus on family housing, its location of social-rented units by the canal, and careful integration into its heritage surroundings.
Residents also voted to join Hyde in the Roundshaw Estate, Sutton. This partnership between Hyde and Metropolitan Housing Association saw them jointly manage 1,800 homes.
2006: Hyde broke into new areas of the country when Minster joined the Group, bringing 1800 homes in Cambridgeshire, West Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Rutland and Northamptonshire. Minster fully merged with Hyde in 2011.
2007: Martlet Homes joined Hyde, bringing 5,000 homes as well as its own direct labour organisation, Martlet Build (now Hyde Property Services). After a resident vote, Hyde Martlet was set up to manage these homes, along with 5,000 Hyde properties, a total of 10,000 homes, in the Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire areas.
Hyde celebrates its 40th birthday.
2007: Brent Co-efficient, Private Finance Initiative (PFI) was setup to manage 800 homes in the Brent area.
2010: Hyde’s maiden bond issue raised £250 million, through the capital markets, to help fund its expanding development programme.
2011: from this year, Hyde started to move to one brand, under its One Hyde, One Vision initiative.
2012: Hyde New Homes celebrated its 10th anniversary, having helped over 3,000 people to take their first step on the property ladder.
2014: Hyde PRS was established to provide market rent housing.
2015: in August Hyde took management of more than 700 homes in the London Borough of Croydon. 18 months from then, hear what residents had to say about their new landlord.
2016: Brighton and Hove Councillors committed to a pioneering joint venture with Hyde to build 1,000 genuinely affordable homes, based on rents that are linked to the National Living Wage.
By this year Hyde had an annual turnover of £351m, assets of £3bn, 105,000 residents, 50,000 homes, and 1,300 staff.