Governance - performance, progress and impact

We believe good governance is the bedrock on which everything we do is built and it’s what enables us to deliver our social and environmental objectives. Our success depends on prudent financial planning and risk management, as well as having motivated and impact-focused colleagues and supply chain partners.

(Click image to enlarge).

Our 2023/24 highlights

  • We maintained our G1/V2 rating, demonstrating that we’re strong, resilient and financially-viable
  • 1,496 customers were involved in shaping our services
  • We consulted with more than 1,900 households on our neighbourhood approach and consulted with more than 1,000 customers on our new Customer Involvement Strategy
  • Our median gender pay gap is 1.8%, down from 4.9% in 2022/23; 43% of our senior leaders are female
  • We retained our Investors in People Gold accreditation
  • 82% of suppliers for contracts of £100k+ meet our minimum sustainability standards.

See also

Environmental – performance, progress and impact

Social - performance, progress and impact