Our plans for the next 30 years
In setting out our strategic plan for the next 30 years, we are putting a stake in the ground: We want our customers to live in modern, energy-efficient homes, where they do not have to worry about building safety. We also want to provide homes that meet people’s needs in the long term – whether they are just starting out, raising a family, or enjoying a long and peaceful retirement – giving them greater mobility to live in the most suitable home, whatever their stage in life.
Having a long-term strategic plan demonstrates that we appreciate the scale of the challenges we face, from retrofitting thousands of homes to become zero-carbon and meeting higher building safety standards, to exploring new ways of raising the significant funding needed to build the right homes, in the right places.
Our social purpose has always been to provide homes for those that cannot otherwise afford one and this will not change. However, the way in which we achieve these ambitions must change, if we are to ‘turn the dial’ and address the severe housing shortage, giving more people a home and helping improve their life chances, to the benefit of society as a whole.
Download our strategic plan 2050 (PDF 1.5MB)