Everything we do has an impact. Being honest about how we’re performing, and where we can do better, benefits our customers, our communities and the environment.
Over the past couple of years, we’ve made some big operational changes to become more customer focused. We’ve established our neighbourhood approach and new customer contact centre, which means three quarters of colleagues are now in roles directly serving our customers, and we’ve doubled the amount of time we spend in our communities.
We’ve developed a robust framework to demonstrate how all parts of Hyde work together to deliver impact. This allows us to ensure our customers live in safe, comfortable and affordable homes, in sustainable communities, with support services that meet their needs. It also enables us to manage risk better, meet ever-changing regulation and legislation, secure funding and deliver surpluses to reinvest in our services, homes and communities.
The framework informs the impact metrics we use to measure our performance and progress. We use 12 metrics, four under each of the environmental, social and governance themes, representing our priorities, such as being a great employer, providing affordable homes and supporting communities. For each, we set 2030 targets, as well as 12 month objectives.
Of course, these twelve metrics don’t cover everything that’s important to us. We also publish our Tenant Satisfaction Measures each year; these are an excellent way for our customers to understand our performance, and benchmark it against other housing providers.
And we use SHIFT, the sustainability standard for the social housing sector, to measure environmental performance.
Our annual Sustainability Reporting Standard submission (PDF, 114KB) allows us to report against a wider range of important data, such as affordability of homes in a local context. It also allows us to report in greater detail on what we’re doing in terms of placemaking, and how we’re focusing on Board governance and oversight.
You can download our Environmental and Social Impact Report 2023/24 (PDF, 8MB) to read more about our progress this year.